The Rise of the New Order

It has been a while since I posted.  The first month of the Trump administration has been a whirlwind of bravado, stupidity and in-your-face mockery of everything we thought unchangeable about the character of this nation.   Sill, anything I wrote felt like pissing into the wind.  Why bother?  Nobody listened when it could have made a difference, so why would they listen now?    

Yesterday’s Oval Office setup of President Zelenskyy by JD Vance was a breaking point for me. I have to write, if only for the therapeutic value.   What the world saw yesterday was the attempted humiliation of a brave man and the nation he represents by a manipulative schemer who has absolute power as his goal.  And yes, I mean JD Vance.  Long before he was on the ticket with Trump, I warned about the danger that Vance poses.   Yesterday, Vance played Trump like a violin and confirmed my worst fears. 

I cannot predict the future, but I was right about JD, so I will go out on this limb:   Trump has outlived his usefulness to Vance and Musk and the forces that they represent.   Trump’s populist movement propelled them to the positions that they now hold, but the ease with which Trump is manipulated makes him a liability.  What if Zelenskyy had managed to get Trump to continue to support Ukraine by the promise of mineral wealth at some unspecified time in the future?    JD sabotaged that effectively, but Trump’s inability to resist shiny objects makes him unpredictable.  So Trump will be gone, one way or another, within the year, and JD Vance will be President of the United States.  God help us all.

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